New Compositions

March of the Barbarians (Concert Band)

Dauðís (Strings)

Dance Cards (Chamber/Woodwinds)

Tisquantum (Choral)

Eldgos (Percussion)

Chanson d'automne (Voice)

Particles (Woodwinds)









August 17

Dauðís (World Premiere)
Steinunn Arnbjörg Stefánsdóttir
Reykjavik, Iceland



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Brass and Percussion Music Distributed Nationwide

I have been very active on my social media accounts in order to announce that my brass and percussion music that is published by Amalgam Publishing is now available from JW Pepper, Lone Star Percussion, and Explorers Percussion. This has all happened within a very short span of time so forgive me for not posting on here sooner. Also, I uploaded a new track to my soundcloud. It's a (work in progress) indoor drumline feature that I am writing for a high school. Check it out and give me your thoughts.